
During my Master's degree in New Media design I had the opportunity to participate in several research projects including my Master thesis connected to user experience design/evaluation, usability evaluation.

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Breast cancer decision aid.

Over the course of six months, I conducted research into the role of interactive elements in risk visualisations, on the patients understanding of the information. Now more than ever, the power of the internet needs to be harnessed and there needs to be a clear understanding of the way patients use information systems to understand risk information. The UX and UI design of tools such as decision aids plays an important role in this.

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Netflix user research.

User experience evaluation of the Netflix Party feature. The aim of the project was to understand how text and video chat affected the relatedness of people in long-distance relationships while watching a movie with Netflix Party. An online experiment was conducted with nine pairs of partners/friends that watched an interactive movie and afterwards participated in an interview.

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Headspace user research.

Usability and user experience evaluation of the meditation app. The aim of the research project was to understand how the current Headspace features encourage users to use the app and develop a mindfulness practice. A diary study was conducted as a remote usability test with five participants that meditated over the course of five days.